Not sure how I feel about the riots at the capitol today. A thread 1/6
First and foremost, I am sure about a few things. One is that I find the ideology of Trump and his supporters abhorrent

Two is that it TERRIFIES me that these people got into our Capitol building.

Three is that is is disgusting that police basically let them in. 2/6
other than these three things, i am not sure. Was it necessarily wrong of them to riot at the capitol when they believed their government to have betrayed them? I think their belief was wrong, or right for the wrong reasons but how would I feel if leftists did the same thing? 3/6
Like a woman was killed today by police at the protest. Idk if there's a video of it, but she was killed by the police. I don't like it when police kill people. I thought most liberals didn't either. But I'm not seeing any sympathy for her. 4/6
Dont get me wrong, I think she was a bad person doing a bad thing (whether that was because of the action, or her cause idk), but in general when a police officer kills a non-violent citizen I find that bad. 5/6
So I guess my thoughts are just jumbled on what I think about violent/peaceful armed protests/riots. I don't know if the actions are inherently immoral or if its the intent behind them. 6/6
@NuggySJ would love ur thoughts on this
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