To my followers who put their faith in Donald Trump. In the Kraken. In Lin Wood. In Sidney Powell. In January 6th. In Benford’s law. Etc.

Thank you for your trust. I’d like to think you put up w/ me because you knew I loved this country and hated its swamp. Now I need your help.
We have to rebuild trust in each other. I have attempted to bridge this chasm for four years and I’m utterly torn apart from the hatred from my traditional side of the aisle and the abuse from the far right.

Trump has conceded.

Question: will you accept my outstretched hand?
I believe I am the only member of my group of podcasters who has forgone the income from contributions and merchandise to stand apart from all this until the election was over just in case anything went wrong. Likely a meaningless gesture, but it will be worth it if you join me.
True I didn’t vote for Biden, but that is only because I live in California. But I have stood with you against Critical Race Theory, the insane immigration policy, the intolerance of Totalizing forms of Islam. Etc

Trump was always a crazy risk. Yet I understood why you took it.
Here is my ask: can you be big enough to close this loop and say “Eric you repeatedly tried to warn us brother to brother with our best interests at heart about what just happened when we told you to relax. Perhaps you were right that Trump was an existential risk to the US.”
There is a way back to the country we both love. I believe you were wrong about Trump, and have always said so, but you were right about many things and I’d like to think the lost friends and abuse were worth it. I’d like to think I made an investment in us rather than a mistake.
It would be an honor to accept that gesture as closure. Please tell me I bet correctly defending a bunch of patriots with my best interests at heart as well and that I have a seat at your family table. There remains a swamp to be drained. And I believe in you, me & our country.🙏
God bless America. From Left to Right and all of us somewhere else or in between.
You can follow @EricRWeinstein.
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