Why don't we tweet, email and write to our MPs en masse at 8pm every Thursday to ask them to do their bit to ensure frontline key and essential workers are paid a decent liveable wage instead. Sort of a #ThunderclapForCarers instead. And from indoors, where we're meant to be. https://twitter.com/CarlSMcQueen/status/1346760272967561216
I know I sound a bit grumpy. That's because I am.
Ok if you’re going to do this make sure you use the hashtag #ThunderclapForCarers so we can really get something started here. Email your MP, local councillors, CCG, union reps, sign all the damn petitions you can get your eyes on. Let’s make a CHANGE not just a NOISE.
You can find your MPs voting record on healthcare and their contact details on @TheyWorkForYou. Bonus points if you include MPs tweets about ‘NHS heroes’ alongside what their voting record says. But remember to keep it POLITE AND NOT ABUSIVE. #ThunderclapForCarers
And if you don’t want to identify the area you live in by publicly tweeting your MP, go generic and thunderclap at Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak and Matt Hancock instead. #ThunderclapForCarers
If you have a petition, campaign, or other PRACTICAL support grassroots thing in place for carers, NHS workers, key workers, essential workers, drop the link below with the hashtag #ThunderclapForCarers and I’ll retweet as many as I can after 8pm to get them noticed. ⚡️👏
My friends at @BestForBritain have made this great, super simple tool to make it really easy to contact your MP for #ThunderclapForCarers tonight. 8pm tonight and every thursday. Action not noise. Remember to use the hashtag!! ⚡️👏🏽 https://twitter.com/bestforbritain/status/1347261923734257666
You can follow @BootstrapCook.
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