“This is an unfathomable and cruel turn of events,” Australian MP @WilkieMP said of the judge's decision to refuse Julian Assange bail. “The extradition of Mr Assange has already been denied and further detention clearly compounds the risk to his precarious mental health."
The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture "has clearly ruled already that detention in HMP Belmarsh constitutes psychological torture. And going into a supermax prison in the US for as long as 175 years would obviously be a death sentence" the ex-military analyst added.
“continued detention in Belmarsh is entirely unnecessary when Mr Assange could stay with his family in London, post a substantial bail if necessary and even wear some sort of tracking device. The man is hardly a flight risk from his loving family" Wilkie argued.
"[Australian PM] Scott Morrison must get on the phone to US President Donald Trump and President-Elect Joe Biden and say ‘Let’s just rule a line under this, drop the charges, pardon him if that’s what’s needed and let him come home’" Wilkie demanded.
Wilkie, himself a former whistleblower, concluded by asking “Why is this even in court? Only because the US wants to get even and London and Canberra are happy to go along for the ride. Frankly it’s gone on long enough and it’s in no one’s interests to let it go on any longer.”
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