Ashley Babbitt feeding the worms is one of the few good things that happened as a result of the Capitol "protest" and if you feel the need to mourn her Nazi ass it'll be easier for both of us if you unfollow me now
When a bullet goes through the fatty tumor a Nazi has in the space where a human being would have a brain, nothing is lost

A pile of meat that moved and spoke and acted like a person was made to stop moving, and thus could no longer fool people into thinking it was one of them
A Nazi is the opposite of a person, and therefore our morality to them must be reversed

To hate them is to love
To harm them is to heal
To kill them is to bring life
You should feel less bad than you do about putting down a rabid animal

In that case the rabies virus and the host are separate entities, one was the victim of the other

A Nazi is the disease
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