I have to say that to see so many tweets from evangelicals telling me to pray is exhausting. To tell me to pray is like telling me to breath. You think I’m not already?
I’ve prayed as you’ve taken photo opportunities in the White House, smiling and laying hands on him. I’ve prayed as you’ve posted videos of your accusations of electoral fraud whilst offering no evidence.
I’ve prayed whilst you’ve flown in your private jets to many cities, taking your politicised messages, and gathering thousands in a pandemic and calling it ‘Worship’. I’ve prayed as you’ve tweeted about his chosen-ness and anointed-ness and aligned your churches with him.
And I’ve prayed as you’ve hijacked the cause of the prophetic for your own advancement. So please don’t keep telling me to pray. I have been.
And it has been exhausting.
What I would really like is for those evangelical leaders who have supported the racist, nationalist agenda of this administration, and in particular this president, to repent of their own complicity in it, speak out clearly against it,
and lead people by their words and actions in the actual ways of Jesus:
to care for the poor, the displaced, the vulnerable, the oppressed, the marginalised, treating all people with equality and dignity.
I’m not American. I know America is a large and diverse nation, and I only see in part all of what makes America, America. I don’t have a vote, but I do have a voice, because I am part of the universal worldwide church of humanity. And I care. For the church and the world.
You can follow @neilbennetts.
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