Today is January 7 and it marks the 7th anniversary of the enactment of the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act by @GEJonathan . When he signed that law, people thought we’d go back deeper into the closet and be quiet. But the reverse has been the case. We’ve become...
more visible, we’ve organized more, we’ve become louder and more assertive. We’ve become everything other than what they expected us to be and I’m so proud of all of us. However, the law has emboldened many to become more vicious in their attacks on our community.
Some have lost their lives and livelihoods, many have been thrown out of their families, and others have suffered systemic human rights violations; arrested, dehumanized, assaulted, etc., all with the backing of the discriminatory law that hurts everyone.
As a community, we must mark this day & remember it so we won’t forget where we’re coming from, where we are, &the better future we hope to build as we resist discrimination in our society. I maintain my calls for the Act to be repealed as I remain dedicated to scrapping it.
So moving forward, may we never lose hope; may we stay committed and resilient. May we never give up in fighting for our fundamental rights to be respected. May we never stop fighting for our freedom because we shall overcome. 💜
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