The 3rd lockdown.

The evidence to justify it is the PCR tests and Protect the NHS.

The 1st is questionable the 2nd is an emotional reason.

And then the carrot, vaccination, its just round corner folks, stay the course almost there.

The PCR testing data, the data for public sites by day by volume is NOT published.. WHY?

What is the big secret?

Why is the government withholding critical evidence from the public, especially the evidence that has caused the lockdown.
Hospitals, there are without doubt some hospitals under pressure. But every internal dashboard i have seen of NHS England and Wales indicates overall capacity is Very Good.

So why don't they publish those dashboards?

Why the secrecy?
Lastly, the Vaccine.

I am over the moon, anything that gets us back to some form of normal is great, but dangling it as a carrot when they refuse to publish the critical evidence of lockdown 3 is morally perverse!

Publish the data

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