Looking at Washington, there are three main causes that I believe we also need to confront here in Australia:

1. Slow erosion of democratic norms;
2. Polarisation of politics; and
3. Conspiracy theories.

A thread:
1. Slow erosion of democratic norms
Trump shattered norms, but the cracks had been formed by those who came before them.

I don't believe there are any current politicians in Australia that would urge violence and reject the peaceful transfer of power like Trump...
but we have seen a propagation of Politicians that have lied with impunity, fought against transparency and accountability, and worked with media to control the narrative.

These are erosions of our democratic institutions that are almost impossible to restore once they're gone.
Refusing to answer questions with no political cost sets a precedent, and embolden those that follow.

The slightest act of corruption must always be intolerable...
...otherwise we are permitting the bar to be lowered once again and setting the scene for the wrong person to make the most of the wrong time.
2. Polarisation of politics.
We must stop approaching our politics like sport. Political parties provide a framework for those with shared ideologies to work together.
This does not mean everyone in your party is always right on every issue and that everyone in the other party is wrong on every issue.

We must have the maturity to identify when the criticism of our opponents is partisan...
and defend truth even if that means defending those against whom we are ideologically opposed.

Importantly, acknowledging the above and acting accordingly should be a sign of integrity, not weakness.
3. Conspiracy theories.
This is perhaps one of my greatest concerns. What is occurring in the USA would not be possible if millions of Americans didn't genuinely believe in a conspiracy theory that requires only a moment's critical thought to reject.
But the majority of the adherents did not start here. It started with 9/11 Truthers, with mass shooting false flaggers, with anti-Vaxxers. The rejection of fact became normalised. None of it harmless.
The propensity for people to choose not to believe fact because it doesn't suit our political leanings has polluted both sides of politics.

I have copped a lot of heat for aggressively slapping down anyone who suggested NSW Health was publishing false case numbers; this is why.
It is healthy to doubt a Politician's words, but when you reject facts, without evidence, from the institutions and bodies upon which our society relies to function you weaken that society and solicit a World in which citizens choose what to believe...
...and they always choose the path of least internal resistance.

Trump is able to garner the support he has because America now lives in a post truth World. We cannot let ourselves slide there.
This means acknowledging the facts that make us uncomfortable and demanding the highest level of evidence before doubting certifiable facts.

We need to recognise our own biases.
It is not too late, I've said many times the US is the canary down the mine, we need to start noticing how sick it is.

These events can be a blessing for us, or they can be a missed warning sign.
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