My top 5 nutrition tips to stay healthy in 2021 and beyond (a thread) 🤗
🍏Stay away from detox and cleansing juices
require you to spend a lot of money while losing the wrong weight (water,muscles,bone mass instead of fat).Your liver and kidneys are always there to detox you,no amount of juice can help you detox.waste of money,effort and time.
🍏Don't fall for Yoyo/fashion/fad diets, talk to someone knowledgeable like a dietitian that can help you meet your health goals. not everyone giving health information is credible,some are paid to advertise bogus unnecessary products.
Most of you have medical aids but always forfeit dietitian funds because you don't use them .We also have Dietitians in our public sector( clinics, hospitals,health centers) that can guide you on healthy eating.
🍏You don't have to exclude starch/carbs from your diet to lose weight.starch is not responsible for your weight gain,it's the excessive intake of calories that makes you gain weight.A fair healthy eating plan takes cultural preferences into consideration.
Imagine not eating pap because someone with no nutrition education said it was fattening?cant be me😔
🍏While on a healthy eating journey,it is ok to have treats once in a while,it's all about everything in moderation.If I want KFC krusher(favourate treat😅),I will have it,because I have a healthy relationship with food that is all about everything in moderation.
Live by 80/20 rule,if YOU eat healthy,80% of the time then one single treat can never hurt.Most of these diets you follow are too restrictive and destroy the relationship you have with food, can leas to disordered eating too
🍏Always set realistic weight loss goal,weight loss between half a kg and a kg a week is a realistic and safe target unless your dietician puts you on a very low calorie diet fr a short while.Also,losing 5-10% of your weight can have massive health benefits if you are overweight
🍏Don't forget physical activity, even brisk walking counts😊
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