am i crazy to think that in the past, when something as momentous as the storming of a state capitol building took place, it generally had some greater purpose and strategic importance than just being a temporary location to stream from and take selfies in?
lately almost everything that happens in america reminds me of what the joker says about how a dog chasing its tail wouldn’t know what to do if he caught it. all these acts seem to exist only in the realm of symbolism, divorced from any actual meaning they once had.
the CHAZ was a good example of this too. people were erecting barricades that were strategically useless, and planting gardens that would never have fed anyone, and going through all the motions of revolution, while using porta potties that had been supplied to them by the city.
marx talked about the contradictions of capitalism increasing until it reaches an inevitable boiling point, but it seems more like under capitalism, people have become feebleminded consumers, who can only dimly imitate what they’re seen in movies or heard about from the past.
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