My fellow Albertans, it's time for me to use Twitter to shitpost. As a middle aged white man, we all knew this was inevitable.

This is a THREAD, so take whatever pill you need to get through this.

Today, we saw a political version of the time my dog barfed shit in my car.
In Canada, we think highly of ourselves. And why not?

We have universal healthcare, sure SOME people go without meds, dental or vision care.

We have strict gun control laws, even if SOME politicians want to court the ammosexual vote.
In Canada, we're not racist.. unless you're First Nations, Metis, or Inuit, just ask Edmonton about their football team. And of course refugees and immigrants are forcing their culture on "us" which is WRONG because that's the WHITE GAME.
We think Americans are less sophisticated or intelligent.

Americans can't name our nation's capital or find it on a map. Wheres New Hampshire? What's the capital of Kansas?

Americans eat junk food. Poutine is LITERALLY a heart attack on a menu.
We would never elect Trump. We would never elect a government whose policies favour the rich, undermine workers' rights, pander to religious fringe groups, deny climate change, threaten freedom of speech, support a police state, and attack the LGBTQ2S+ community.
The problem is we could and have. Think of the homophobic, transphobic comments, the misogyny, selfies with racist gang members, the police investigation into a corrupt leadership race and that was BEFORE they were ELECTED.

We're not better, were better at acting like we are.
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