Certainly a basic problem here is that Capitol Police, under the jurisdiction of Congress, were not prepared for yesterday's attack. But when we ask what happened yesterday, a significant part of the equation is that the various agencies charged with handling such ...
2/ situations - federal marshalls, DHS, FBI, DOJ, National Guard, et al - were under the control of the person who was trying to whip the crowd against Congress. This doesn't mean necessarily that the people running these agencies were intentionally standing down or assisting ...
3/ necessarily. But in terms of thinking, hey, volatile situation in DC tomorrow, how do we safeguard critical infrastructure, coordinate to protect the capitol, federal buildings, etc. are they really going to be proactive when the person they all report to is on the ...
4/ other side? Perhaps on the 'other side' is too loaded for you. But Trump is the one trying to get a violent mob to show up. There's simply no way this doesn't at a minimum slow down that kind of coordination and likely get people to slowroll anything that seems like it's ...
5/ opposing the President.
6/ To be clear, this is not to absolve the capitol police, either of unpreparedness or even or something more sinister. But Washington DC to the Capitol of the world's most powerful country, the nerve center of its military, intelligence and law enforcement capacities.
7/ It's bristling with security, with huge overlapping lawyers of security which we've seen brought to bear on numerous occasions, as recently as this last year. It seems almost certainly that at the least President's leadership led to a highly passive state of preparation ...
8/ for yesterday's events.
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