There were problems with the WT story right away—among them, the suggestion that there are public “chapters” of Antifa. 🤦🏻‍♀️
The photo below is from today’s Capitol “break in” along with the comparison photo, allegedly from “ .” /2
Xrvision/WT claimed that was proof that these men were Antifa infiltrators. But notably,  does not contain ANY pictures of its “members.” Why would people who actually want to fight against a fascist government post pics of who they are? They wouldn’t. /3
What  DOES have are many, many pictures of identified white supremacists. So right away, I was suspicious of this allegation that the photo was of “Antifa” members. /4
A fast reverse image lookup on the image alleged to be from  takes you to the original source page—  where the image clearly identifies these individuals as Jason Tankersley and Matthew Heimbach, two confirmed white supremacists. /5
Personally, I’m not even 100% convinced that the photos below are even the same people, but if other, actually reputable, facial recognition companies say it is so, I’ll take their word for it. /6
The photo was featured on  because these guys are white supremacists, NOT members of “Antifa.” So Wash Times accidentally confirmed for us that if these are the same guys, they are, in fact, white supremacists & Trump supporters. Will Trump condemn them? /7
(& seriously, if you ever come across a website claiming to be Antifa, it was most likely created by law enforcement as a honeypot to try to identify people who might be prone to violence toward the state or law enforcement. Public “Antifa” chapters aren’t real. /8
I’m calling on the @WashTimes to retract their story, but I doubt they will. After all, they only “reported” on a facial recognition company’s assertion that these guys were Antifa, right? I’m sure they’d much prefer to let that linger in the air than accept the truth: /9
It is white supremacist Trump supporters who did this, racist Trump supporters who are potentially guilty of sedition and treason against the U.S. Now you know. /10
Side note: as others have reported, this dude (below) is a paid actor who was at BLM protests holding up Q anon conspiracy nonsense. Wonder if anyone paid him to be there? Those hates aren’t cheap. /end
P.S. More info on Heimbach from Wikipedia. He’s a well-documented racist & whites supremacist trash.
Looks like I wasn’t alone in digging. Just saw this thread:
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