Sometimes i think about the emails sent to me back in 2017 encouraging me to go on fox news so the abuse would stop. (True story.)

Americans have no idea how their minds are being manipulated
Here are some blasts from that past
More fun with propaganda
Some were clearly just dumb bots or really stupid people. And what is Project Red91 anyway?
Some even wrote to me from work accounts.
You get the idea. I had about 1000 of these in the span of a week. Now imagine the deluge, and in comes this. Does it give you the creeps like it did me?
I shit you not this came from an aol account
I saved every one of these emails. I read them all. Categorized them. Analyzed the header data. Sent some to law enforcement.

Someday the data may prove useful.

Another interesting factoid: 99% of all the traffic hitting our website in Jan 17 was from Orange County CA.
And then what to do with this
Well you just dig a little and then you realize it’s not actually a problem
How it started and how it’s going
This guy needs two posts to tell his story. #1:
And the punch line.
After awhile they stopped trying so hard
These attacks repeated at about 50 % volume a year later when trump used the phrase shithole nation. Fox doctored the by then year old deleted tweet and broadcast it, kicking off another round of attacks.
Some were obviously real people. Some were obviously fake. Some I couldn’t tell. Some tried to pretend to want to hire us but I could sniff that out pretty fast. And once I included my male coworker on a call they always “cancelled” last minute
But Americans have bern attacked on US soil. And I am obviously not the only one.

My government has done nothing to protect me/us it feels like. Cyber attacks are real. And they aren’t all ignorant Americans writing.

And they are still happening.
Thanks for listening. Stay Alert. Stay skeptical.

I really enjoyed reflecting ok the fact that so many people wished me harm 4 years ago and not only am I still standing, we’re thriving and most of them not so much.

Plus there’s an tweet
I got more than a few supportive emails like this. Read it. It’s good.
And out of those kinds of letters I met a young woman named @SarahTaber_bww who had a lot to say about ag tech and asked me if I thought she should.

Fortunately for all of us she ignored my advice. Her friendship and wisdom would not be in my life without this experience. 💖💪🏻
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