this is the XRVision website. that's it. the entire thing. 
on LinkedIn and Crunchbase, XRVision lists two employees: it's CEO and it's CTO. the CTO of the company is a guy by the name of Yaacov Apelbaum... 
a quick search of Yaacov Apelbaum told me everything i need to know. this guy, the CTO of this facial recognition company runs a prominent right wing conspiracy blog. TheGatewayPundit and Q of QAnon fame has shared his stuff. 
on Yaacov Apelbaum's right wing conspiracy blog, all the evidence he presents to prove his claims is plastered with an XRVision watermark. it's basically a move to make his "evidence" look legit. "look a real technology company uncovered this!"
i swear it seems like Yaacov Apelbaum just draws a little "facial recognition square" on photos to make it look like an algorithm is doing the work.

for example, this photo...did he forget what his company's technology supposedly does
here is Yaacov Apelbaum supposedly using XRVision's facial recognition tech to show the man in the pic with Ghislaine Maxwell is Jean-Luc Brunel & not Justice John Roberts.

look he even put the squares!

you don't need facial recognition technology to see that's not Roberts!
here's a pic Yaacov Apelbaum posted on his blog showcasing XRVision's facial recognition technology

it's a...compilation of pre-existing photos of Bernie Sanders's homes?

he also added a little color commentary on the pic to show they are a very serious legitimate tech company
i just want to point out that i did all of this while on the youtube livestream, within a handful of minutes of hearing about Gaetz's claims during the show

this is the "company" and "expertise" that @WashTimes is sourcing it's information from for it's story
now it's possible XRVision does legitimate work in other industries.

but their ***CTO*** is clearly using the brand name in an attempt to legitimize right wing conspiracy theories. in the very least, you very clearly cannot use them as a nonbiased source for a political story!!!
here's a prominent right winger with more than half a million followers sharing Yaacov Apelbaum's post last month that claims something fishy happened in Georgia to steal the election from Trump (he uses XRVision's "technology" and brand name to make his case btw)
not sure what technology these screengrabs of boxes with ballots is supposedly showcasing...but look it's got the XRVision logo right there!
so the Yaacov Apelbaum post Q shared was about this amazing photo by XRVision in 2019...

i have no idea what the company even did here.

antifascists fighting ISIS in Syria was a well-covered story for years. these photos were already available online. they made a compilation?
here's a post on XRVision's official company LinkedIn saying they helped James O'Keefe & Project Veritas on the since-debunked story re: ballot harvesting & Ilhan Omar...complete with a racist caricature of the Congresswoman

these are @RepMattGaetz's facial recognition experts
here are some more posts shared on XRVision's official LinkedIn page, the company that the Washington Times used as a facial recognition expert source to claim antifa was responsible for the violence at the Capitol
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