I'm ambivalent about the capitol putsch today. On one hand, it was very satisfying, entertaining. Some kind of catharsis to those directly sticking it to the man. I think to some degree, of course, it was organic. But I'm starting to think it was also fake & g*y. Gut feeling. 1/
It just seems.. very convenient. Not to mention Baked & Fuentes being involved (likely feds or something idk), video of cops letting them in.. Pretext to oust trump? Browbeat those talking about fraud? I don't know. No evidence, just motive and outcome. Note how little damage 2/
actually occurred. Couple windows broken. Doors. Damaged Furniture. Probably other miscellaneous. No real injuries, aside from woman tragically shot. I believe this will also be the springboard to launch an "anti-terror" campaign against MAGA people and the right generally. 3/
Am I saying it shouldn't have happened? I don't know. I think something similar was inevitable. Perhaps this was used to suit many goals. Pressure release & aforementioned. Like every psyop there is organic energy there, just agent provocateurs etc as well. Little is 4/
coincidence anymore, organic cool things on a large scale do not really happen. There is utility, still. I think this is an opening shot (literally), where the journey takes us I'm unsure. Maybe I'm simply schizo and question too much. Symbolism is good regardless. 5/
Interested in your guys thoughts on the matter. Will say from hereon out be careful guys. I think things will get rocky in a not sexy kind of way like some fantasize about.

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