Today has been challenging for all of us. The last year, challenging, too. Many. Also. Much. Tons.

Here’s the thing. I walked out of my house at 12:01am on my 16th birthday (go Missouri statutes, high five) with only the clothes on my back, and never went back.
Thanks to the gloriousness of the country I live in, I’ve been able to build a life out of that nothing, and no one can ever take that from me.

I want that for other regular people, like me. I’m tired of the intensely crazy rich getting richer, and
I’ll continue to pay all the taxes with a shit-eating grin on my face if it means people get checks that help their families. Fuck party lines being where we stop being willing to see each other as people, and caring about each other as people.
If you don’t want to blame others for your failures, at least own it. The only one who decides your fate is you.

We’re all monkeys strapped to rockets. Don’t be a dick about it.
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