Politics has ruined parties, ruined relationships and family bonds, and in some cases, ruined lives.

This shit should not be such a focal point for everything. It doesn’t need to define everything about who you are or what appeals to you. If it did,
then you’re confined in a bubble while lying to yourself that you’re open minded and accepting of freedom of thought. But that isn’t true at all. People don’t stop until you pay for your sin of not thinking the exact same way about everything.

We need to worshiping
politicians and prioritizing politics to the degree that we have. They aren’t deities, and you shouldn’t ruin friendships or family ties because of political differences. This isn’t a struggle of good vs evil. Both sides have logical policy disagreements that are worth sharing.
Say what you will about the old days but people generally got along pretty well by not discussing money, religion or politics. It was basically taboo to make that a focus of anything. Maybe we should go back to that.

But we won’t. Cause “if you’re not on my team then fuck you”
It’s not a fucking religion. It’s government. And it’s run by two parties that are happily “governing you” and so many eat it up like good little pets. You don’t think the power is intoxicating for them? Why do they stay in that shit for 50 years? And why do we let them?
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