We're seeing today the very real and deep danger of bullshit conspiracy theories. Which is why I refuse to be silent about them when they circulate in my shared online communities.

Don't be silent, either.
I've watched too many smart and decent people get sucked into nihilistic, illiberal conspiracy theories. Watched a friend become a raging anti-Semite and have seen too many smart people become water carriers for fascists.

Call it out when you see it. You may save someone.
If you have a podcast, think hard about who you invite to be a guest. If you are a writer or “influencer” (gods I hate that word), please vet any platforms that invite you.

All the exposure or subscriptions or ad clicks mean nothing if you destroy your reputation.
P.S. Here’s a key to spotting them: they mock any social or political engagement as folly (or being manipulated, i.e., Soros) and belittle caring about social justice as “wokeness.” They’re nihilists who preach being “above it all.”
They’ll claim that there are no decent people in government, that it’s all about exploitation and manipulation. Notice that avoids acknowledging the need to address systemic racism/sexism/homophobia etc. Both-sidesism is how they promote civic withdrawal.
They *hate* voting and participatory democracy and mock those who choose to engage—especially activists or those who are fiercely partisan. Often they’ll claim to be liberal, but their views end up enabling fascists by default.
Sound familiar?
It feels like a special club (in some cases, you’re paying $10/month, which reinforces that specialness). You get to enjoy being “Gnostic” and seeing through illusions.

When really you’re just opting out and relinquishing your power to be a force for change.
Another giveaway—they’re absolutists. “How can you trust a vaccine, Big Pharma wants to kill you!”

“You can’t trust Democrats, they’re all Neoliberal shills!”

“BLM are a tool of Soros!”

Lack of nuance. It’s all black or white.
Authoritarianism 101: Destroy trust in all institutions. If you believe “both sides are the same!” you stop being able to see that the Congressional Black Caucus is very different than CPAC.

Qui bono? Well-organized, hardworking fascists.
Example: 65,000 followers. “Brightest minds” i.e., pandemic and Holocaust deniers.
And you can stream this toxic stew into your earholes 24/7! SEE THROUGH THE MSM LIES, SHEEPLE!
One of the latest guests and “brightest minds” 😂
“Brightest minds.” OOGA BOOGA! 😂
Another common denominator? White men.
Another common denominator? Myopic focus on privacy/whistleblowers (Assange etc.) and U.S. militarism (granted, very important issues) but don’t give a rat’s ass about black people being murdered on U.S. streets or white supremacist terrorism.
In other words, they have the hots for Tulsi but despise moderate Democrats, especially women, and ignore black politicians in general (because racists).

Often quasi-Libertarian because they like the joy of the grift, and are frequently products of privilege.
Hillary (excuse me, “Killary”) and Pelosi are equated with child-eating monsters, while literal fascists are mildly reproached or warmly embraced. Watch who they focus their (your) anger on.

Also Soros, because Jews.
As if to drive home this point, I just saw a brief clip of one of yesterday’s domestic terrorists holding a sign saying “Pelosi is Satan.”

Has one of your friendly neighborhood occultist podcasters said similar things?
This is NOT about partisan politics. It’s much deeper. It’s about cryptofascist ideology hiding under a bogus apolitical mask. All wrapped in disempowering conspiratainment that ironically makes its consumers feel special and empowered.
Also: they belittle any journalism outside of their “alternative” circles. They’ll stick their fingers in their ears if you utilize fact-checked and multi-sourced “mainstream” media because “MSM lies!”

And somedude on YouTube never does.
You can follow @michaelmhughes.
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