what is happening in the world?
🇺🇸 USA: i have a collection of things that explains it here. the situation is rapidly changing, though. https://twitter.com/atywashere/status/1346922986343841792?s=20
🇨🇦 canada: protests/attacks have been sparked in canada after the usa’s capitol was put on lockdown. https://twitter.com/GlobalBC/status/1346941845184528384?s=20
🇸🇾 syria: israel bombed them in the middle of the night, taking advantage of the chaos erupting after the attacks began in the usa. https://twitter.com/criesrem/status/1346954387806060548?s=20
🇭🇷 croatia: today, while still recovering from the first few initial earthquakes, croatia was hit with a magnitude 5.0 earthquake. https://twitter.com/hollywoodbrain/status/1346989868166111233?s=20
🇳🇴 norway: after a massive landslide in southern norway last week, search parties are still looking for 11 missing people, while others were reported dead. https://twitter.com/LouisB21950/status/1347023372027371521?s=20
please send me more if i am missing some.
🇯🇵 japan: hundreds took the streets to march in protest of donald trump’s electoral loss. this may not be a mainstream view, and was not endorsed by the government. https://twitter.com/mrjeffu/status/1346982388056772614?s=20
🇺🇸 usa no. 2: justin higgs is set to be executed in 9 days for a crime he did not commit; making him the first to be executed in 2021, and the second in under 2 months. https://twitter.com/SHINIGAMINOOR/status/1346819937340416000?s=20
🇵🇭 philippines: police brutality is not solely a western thing. it’s extremely prevalent in countries such as the philippines. i don’t have a tweet for it, but i have a card (filipino mutual said it worked. tell me if it doesn’t. https://whatshappeninginph.carrd.co/ 
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