Discussing solutions to the current conundrum.
Thought experiment time!
Let's consider an idea or two that would be publicly accepted but is insane VS an idea or two that would be considered absolutely radical and be rejected outright but might actually work.
Acceptable, expected, on-script:
Emergency powers indefinitely granted "to solve the problems of COVID, revolutionary tendencies of radical Trumpists, and global warming", banning of all 2A rights, suspension of the Judiciary's legislative oversight function.
Pols love this!
Absolutely unthinkable, but works:
Abolish all functions, agencies and activities of the federal government not granted by the Constitution (which at this point is most of it) with a recommendation that states are free to form interstate associations of any form desired.
The draconian path will not only be expected, but will be largely accepted by the public that has been programmed, trained, drilled and rehearsed at this point in accepting and living within oppressive state systems. This will incite, of course, an organized violent response.
But the political elite believe they have the upper hand and think it would be a *good* thing to not only grant themselves unlimited and perfectly centralized power over citizens, they also think they can flush out veterans into open combat and kill them off.
The "abolish unconstitutional functions of federal government" path is the true solution and indeed the very reason the Constitution exists at all. Just imagine that: leave states to manage themselves alone or together, but cut the federal level out. MAGA folks would go home.
States would be free to create their own interstate agencies and associations, but NOT allow those to be under the centralized authority of the federal government, as per the Constitution. Nothing of value need be lost and *all* the fat could be trimmed, too!
This would permit an American reset of authorities and roll us back from the brink of having the American Empire destroy the American Republic, which is the situation now faced. It would de-escalate tensions throughout the political system and let us agree on "better".
The only people who would be against this plan are authoritarians who WANT central control (as long as they are in charge and will rig it so they remain in charge indefinitely -- which is what we see happening now). No good faith discussions come from this.
The anti-authoritarian path is obvious and simple, and so utterly American at its core. But it will not be the path chosen. The "fix" to this anti-Constitutional situation will be to instead shred the Constitution further, and even blame it for all the trouble. Insane.
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