1/6/2021 - Please read.

I never cared much about obtaining a large platform on Twitter, but tonight is the first exception. If I could, I'd like to be able to say this to every American that understands the gravity of this fight & who is feeling sick tonight from what they saw..

Stop wringing your hands. Stop screaming at the sky. Take a deep breath and think.

Think about how much you learned today. You learned that your VP is a traitor to this country (Do not listen to anyone who claims he didn't have Plenary power). You learned exactly...
...which Congressmen & Senators love and believe in our Republic and you learned which ones hate it.

When the President gave his speech today, how many times did he tell you that we won't accept a stolen election? 30? 50? Do you think he was so stunned by Pence's betrayal...
...that he's giving up? Of course he's not. Look at the video he posted (that Twatter bizarrely censored) where he again re-affirmed that this was a stolen election, that he feels your pain but to go home peacefully. Did he say anything about giving up? We are very, very...
...fortunate to have a President with an almost inhuman level of determination at this crucial time.

There's no giving up. Any citizen or politician (and there's many of them) saying "Aw shucks, we'll get 'em in 2022 or 2024" is either an imbecile or a traitor. Cut them out...
...of your life because they chose their side. Do you think the people that shut down a sitting President's Twitter account is going to let you communicate and coordinate to win Congress in 2022 or the White House in 2024? Of course not. The fight is now and the real fight is...
...coming. Everyone from the powerful in D.C. to your friends & family must choose a side. There's no staying out of this fight. You either fight for liberty, our Republic & freedom for our children or you've joined the side of evil. Sorry, but that's how it's going to be. I...
...I would invite you to read accounts shortly after the Great Depression ended. That event left a psychic scar on Americans that changed their behavior for generations. Sadly, we need another one of those scars. This country needs a near death experience where we see the hell...
...that awaits us when the Republic falls & Techno-fascists rule. An NDE where we wake up & spend the rest of our lives living differently.

This is about winning now for your children and your children ten generations from now. They will look back and they will either...
...celebrate you or THEY WILL CURSE YOUR FUCKING NAME. So stop wallowing in fear and misery. You need to be clear-headed and analytical in the coming days. You need to understand what's happening so that you can SUPPORT the moves that your President is going to be making. All...
...you need to do is step up, support the POTUS and loudly proclaim "Hell no" to the war being waged on this Republic. That's it.

This will be painful, but do not grieve.

You can follow @Banky1974.
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