I'm scared right now. Not of what's happened today in DC, my home, but what happens tomorrow. America is at a crossroads. If cannot stop this slide, we will fall to another civil war or worse. I fear the people who can save us won't have the courage to do so.
American democracy has never lived up to the grand promises enshrined in the Constitution. But keep trying to make it better. Our greatest foes have fought against those promises since the days of the Founders.
Since the beginning, other Americans have tried to ensure that the promise of American democracy was reserved only for white, land-owning men and we have let them tarnish that American democracy.
But whether our enemies have been Anti-Federalists, Southern Democrats of the 19th Century, Jefferson Davis and his traitorous Confederates, the Jim Crow South, the KKK, the Tea Party, or Donald Trump and his cavalcade of MAGAs, we've held firm. But today is a watershed moment.
Today, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, accomplished what even America's GREATEST TRAITOR, Jefferson Davis, wasn't able to. Today, the President incited an insurrection to upend Congress and our democracy that, for several hours, succeeded.
Even tonight, in Congress (and in the press) Anti-American Anti-Federalists are standing by this President. The Republican Party—the so-called "Party of Lincoln"—have followed lockstep in footprints of their forebears—traitorous Confederates.
How did we get here? We've tried to appease these enemies since the Founding. When President Lincoln won the 1860 election, LINCOLN WAS THE MODERATE. How did the Anti-Federalists respond? The called the election illegitimate, seceded, and formed their Confederacy of Traitors.
And make no mistake, America won the battle in this centuries-long war when we defeated the Confederacy in the Civil War, but the Confederates lived to fight another day through the KKK, the Daughters of the Confederacy, and eventually the modern Republican Party.
What happens tomorrow will determine if we're destined to wage this war against the foes of democracy for another 150 years. But whether we head to a second Civil War or we finally exorcise Anti-American Confederates from our body politic once and for all requires courage.
But I don't look to the Democratic leaders of this country for that courage, at least not publicly. The courage we need right now to save the dream of American democracy from a generation of darkness must come from the Republicans.
We have tried comprise, it does not work. We have tried to adamantly pursue our ideals, it does not work. The cancer of the Confederacy is too deep in our bones for that.
To save the dream of American democracy, we require a sacrifice. Not a sacrifice of blood, but a sacrifice of dreams and ambitions and so-called conservative ideals. We need the leaders of the Republican Party to band together and commit political suicide.
The President of the United States incited an insurrection and then praised those who tried to topple our democracy—OUR Congress. @senatemajldr & @VP @Mike_Pence must invoke the 25th Amendment AND immediately urge the House to take up Articles of Impeachment against the President
I may disagree with Republicans on virtually every issue, but I empathize with the enormity of what I ask the Republican leadership to do. I am asking them to commit political suicide and sacrifice their entire political legacies. I am asking them to save American democracy.
I am a career federal employee who swore to uphold the Constitution and I am resident of the District of Columbia. DC is my home, but I do not have a representation in Congress to ask to lobby for this bold course to save America.
I can walk to U.S. Capitol from my home in 25 minutes but I am powerless to help save the promise of American democracy contained therein.

But I am not the only powerless one.
President-elect Biden, Vice President-elect Harris, Speaker Pelosi, Senator Schumer, Senator Sanders, Representative Ocasio-Cortez—they are all powerless to save us from the cancer that caused today's events through no fault of their own.
The cancer of the Confederacy within the Republican Party can only be purged from within. Not by Republicans retiring or bowing out or switching parties but through self-sacrifice.
Anyway, tomorrow we shall see if there is any courage left in the Republican Party or if it will sit back as it becomes the very enemy it waged bloody civil war against 160 years ago to save American democracy.

Tomorrow, we learn if the Republican Party is the new Confederacy.
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