I'm no scholar of authoritarianism, but what happened today didn't look like a coup to me. I don't think their goal was to overturn the election.
I saw something more akin to racist vandalism--Confederate flags, nooses, Nazi slogans, racist slurs. These hatemongers weren't trying to overthrow the government, they were sending a message.
That message is: "We hate everyone who's not us. We're violent. We're not done." And, most importantly, "we're doing this *because we can* and no one will stop us."
That last point should make the contrast between today's mob and BLM crystal clear, because BLM has always been "because we must."
So you've got one (white, male) group running buck-wild in the Capitol because they know the cops won't stop them, and another (Black) group out in the streets demanding not to be killed.
They couldn't be any more different. That those trying to link them have also been behind some of recent history's biggest lies (re COVID, the election, Q, antifa, etc.) should tell you all you need to know.
So don't get it twisted. We all got our noses rubbed in the consequence-free violence of white supremacy today, because they could. Think about that next time you see someone protesting because they must.
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