Long thread time.
It's been a gray, gloomy day all day, both outside, and in. I haven't done much in the way of news gathering for a news segment as the main news stories are all over Twitter for everyone to see. So, I've "lurked", leaving a comment here and there.
Another reason I'm not doing a news segment today is partly due to the non-reaction to my opener yesterday, and things are changing as fast as I read them, let alone post them.
About my opener yesterday. The one where I used caps in trying to get a message out to the folks in Georgia. I was trying to motivate, not brow beat. The two elections ... well, they were important, ok?

I'm more than a little down at the probable results.
As for what's happening in DC, there are two parts to it. The Electoral College votes were being counted, and objected to, in Congress, and the mainly peaceful protests outside - although things got out of hand there, with a woman shot who later died.
Most of what I've seen is the outside protests, from huge crowds voicing their concerns to a mainly uncaring Congress, to video clips and news items of violence erupting in our Nation's Capital.
Interesting to note that those who completely ignored, and/or derided, our calls for law and order during the "summer of love", are now suddenly concerned with law and order, to the point of insisting that Trump be arrested for incitement.
As for the riots themselves, there are those condemning them, and those defending them. There has also been speculation and/or reports that Antifa has infiltrated Trump supporter ranks, in order to make them look bad. I don't know. I'm not there.
Let me be clear on the violence. I do NOT condone it. I called for an end to it during the BLM/Antifa riots last summer, and I call for it again now. Stop hurting people.
But, let me also be clear on one other thing having to do with the violence. If you poke the bear too many times, or pull the tigers tail too hard, do *not* be surprised if there is a violent reaction to your actions.
Some people have said that the Left has been doing just that for the past four years, when in fact their agitation goes back *decades*, not years, at least to when Reagan was President. Look up "Nuclear Freeze Protests" from the early 1980's.
Look up the WTO protests of 1999 in Seattle, known as the "Battle in Seattle". That was Antifa and other leftist anarchist groups. I know. I was there working downtown along the main protest route, keeping those thugs from smashing our windows then.
Anyway, the point is that they've been agitating for a long time, and have been abetted by the media, who are now shocked that we're (finally) pushing back. That's what happens when you sow the wind. You'll eventually reap the whirlwind.
When you verbally mock and abuse someone, burden his or her business with onerous regulations, fees and taxes, and then prevent them from running that business by locking it down because "science", or from holding a job because it's "non-essential" ...
When you constantly move the goal posts to keep people subjugated to your lust for power, treating them like criminals no matter what they do - follow or not follow
the ever changing guidelines ...
When what you are doing is intentionally for the purpose of gutting the middle class even more than you already have, to get more people dependent on big government, when all we want is to be left alone to live our lives ...
When you announce that you are going to be raising taxes by FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS (but "only" on the ultra rich) and redoing all those soul crushing regulations on small businesses, killing jobs ...
When you announce that, no you won't keep your health insurance plan, because you're going to institute single payer, which means rationing and long wait times, not to mention job losses in the millions ...
When you say that you are going to end fossil fuel production in the US, eliminating millions of more jobs, and making us dependent on foreign sources once again by instituting the ludicrous GND ...
And then, on top of all that, you steal an election through fraud, don't expect us to simply roll over and wait for you to screw us. If it was "patriotic" for you to resist ... well, it's *our* turn now. Get ready.
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