hello! I am a computer science student and we learned about doxxing this year!
doxxing- search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet. therefore they can’t find what doesn’t already exist. there’s 3 main types of doxxing
1) basic stalking-
this is the most common type that would happen on twitter. the easiest way to protect yourself is make sure your last name, city, school and age are not available anywhere. first names are ok. when these are accessible it can lead trails to who you really are
2) packet sniffing
this is where a hacker will breach through internet data and find things such as passwords and other account information. this is uncommon on social media because you are on your home WiFi network
3) IP logging
this one will ONLY happen if you click links that are not safe. those links have codes in them that will automatically track your IP and send it back to the hacker. this is very easy to avoid, as you just need to not open links for people that you don’t trust
anyways, please RT this! I’ve seen lots of misinformation and wanted to clear things up
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