So many things.

First: I am feeling gratitude for those committed to democracy especially our next President & Vice President. Also gratefulness for the organizers in GA who never gave up & defied the “conventional wisdom” of what was possible in the South.
Black folks, young people, Latinos, the AAPI community & so many more put this country on their backs, nose to the grind & did the work. I’m so grateful for organizers who never gave up on our communities. We salute you. Your dedication has not gone unnoticed. ✊🏾
Secondly: I feel like a reminder is in order.

If we don’t know by now, words have power. Leaders have a responsibility. We should never brush words under the rug because someone somewhere could be waiting in the wings to act on them.
I remember sitting on cable news where co-panelists would dismiss the kind of rhetoric we have heard over the last four years. As the president-elect told us today: “our democracy is fragile.” May we never take that for granted & work everyday towards a more perfect Union.

I’m reminded of the voices who’ve continuously cried out for justice - the actual peaceful protesters. We have not forgotten your words or your plight. We see you.

Folks, we are going to be alright. Today isn’t going to break us. There is much to be done. Together.
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