I will say what needs to be said about @SenSasse, from the great state of Nebraska.

Senator Sasse is all hat and no cattle. He talks about American ideals of freedom and independence when it gets him attention, but when it's time for action, he undermines democracy.
For example, Ben Sasse criticizes the praise of Q-anon, saying they push conspiracy theories, but fails to recognize that Trump *himself* is the one fanning the flames on these conspiracies. And what's he going to do about it? Nothing.
Sasse is on the foreign relations committee, but where was he on Russian bounties? Nowhere.

Where was he when Trump used the weight of American foreign policy to pressure a foreign country to do a domestic political errand for himself personally? Vanished.
Sasse is always on something about being “above the fray” of DC politics, but he hasn’t had a town hall in Nebraska since 2017. And why should he? He’s never had a formidable opponent, he’s got his safe seat, so there is no incentive for him to do his job.
Sasse also has a reputation of avoiding the press, except to release cute little statements. He has constructed a self-image around his fantasy of being the adult in the room, but cannot summon the intellectual security or fortitude to speak to reporters or constituents.
When Trump or the GOP agitates for partisan distractions and there is a vote to be taken, @SenSasse falls in line every time. He is not the "adult in the room” or the independent that he desperately wishes to be.

When it really matters for Nebraskans, he is not there for us.
You can follow @NebraskaMegan.
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