I have leaned hard into my sarcastic side today. But I’ve just started trying to name what lies beneath my desire to deride a day that will live in infamy in Americas history. Under all the layers of my disgust lie some truths about America...
Many of which have been named today. A multitude of America’s hypocrisies have been laid bare: The response to white terrorism vs to Black protests. The abhorrent violation of the so-called sacred institutions of America. The “law & order” folks ignoring both...
But, for me, the hypocrisy is only the beginning of my source of anger. Follow the river of wrath and I find myself staring at a singular truth that I’d rather not name. We are destined to repeat all of this over again.
We will not destroy the hypocrisies. They will continue on because so much of America is still unwilling to name that at its core, America is a white supremacist nation that values whiteness above all principles, virtues and religious commitments. And makes an enemy of blackness.
There is no question that T****p stoked these fires, has *been* calling for violence since his campaign, and has blood on his hands. AND. This did not begin with him. This is all still part of the backlash to a Black President, to Ferguson, to birtherism...
to hatred for Black churches and Black communities and Black organizers. This is all tied to the ways those in power decided its own rules of decorum and fairness and principles no longer mattered under a Black president and a Black First Lady.
When I first learned about the concept of whitelash, there is one thing I did not fully appreciate, didn’t fully take in- and that is how long whitelash can last. Though I’ve read about it in history books and can connect all the dots,
this knowledge does not compare to experiencing just how far whiteness will go to reassert itself over blackness. And today some small part of me was not fully prepared to witness whiteness once again pose a danger to so many, without consequence.
And it is this lack of consequence, lack of accountability, lack of any meaningful action that tells me we will be here again. Black people will continue dying for freedom. And white people will continue to confuse freedom and control, but will live to tell their tales.
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