I keep seeing strange ahistorical tweets like this which make it seem like the heart of U.S. politics was purged of white supremacist ideology from 1865 until today. https://twitter.com/jordanonrecord/status/1346931938955812866
Andrew Johnson: “This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government for white men." (1866)

Woodrow Wilson: “[Racial] segregation is not humiliating, but a benefit...” (1914)
It’s also worth noting that for most of the past 150+ years the Confederate Lost Cause version of the war (and the Reconstruction that followed) has dominated in American culture.
Washington D.C. (1926)
In 2018 there were 718 Confederate monuments in public spaces across the U.S.; 109 public schools and 10 U.S. military bases named in honour of Confederate leaders; 80 counties and cities named for Confederates and 9 official Confederate holidays in six states. (SPLC)
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