Faces of rage: Photos of an insurgency at the US Capitol and the protestors inflamed by Republican disinformation and rhetoric. I’ll add slowly to this thread over the evening.
One of the things that struck me about those outside the US capitol was that no everyone was kitted up in militia gear. Many though did drape themselves in Trump flags. I found this individual interesting and captivating.
Those cosplaying soldiers did have a level of communication and command and control that suggests coordination with a higher echelon. Note the radio on dude’s kit.
These women were very angry. They believe without evidence that not only was the election stolen but that congress was working against Trump too. Their gestures convey their sentiment. Set aside the rage and they were pleasant though - which unnerves me a bit.
I don’t quite understand the priorities. The Trump flag is higher than the US flag but the weird Georgia flag is higher than Trump. Why give greater honor to a state you believe fraudulently elected your enemies?
LOL. That’s all I got for these two. Dude’s face tattoos though are interesting.
Virtue signaling Q style.
More rage. So much rage they’re almost eating their own hair.
More soldier cosplay.
This young man was standing near the Black Hebrew Israelites sectarians when one of the #MAGAE started harassing him. They started yelling at each other and almost came to blows. I stepped between them and said “calm it down, gentlemen”. Fortunately it worked. More next post.
Here’s some video from after the confrontation. This is how lit up Trump has his #MAGAE.
These fellows seem to have been suffering from the effects of tear gas. Tear gas was used inside the capital to clear out the terrorists. Unclear if they were in the capital. This is on you @POTUS.
Here is the preacher and entourage from the Black Hebrew Israelites. I think they were counter-protesting but their language was so wrapped up in biblical references i don’t know for sure. (not sure how they refer to themselves) They were pretty far from the capitol building.
#MAGAE posted themselves all over on the steps of the US capitol.
The cosplay was so over the top it was laughable.
No clue what was up with these two. They were standing on one of the vehicles. Again outside of being mainly white the crowd folks came from a variety of backgrounds. Here the dude on the left is wearing a kippah traditionally associated with the Haredi Jewish community.
This person seemed so out of place and in place at the same time to me. Like the two in the above post, she was standing on one of the vehicles. This is one where I wish I’d stopped to ask their story.
This guy was trying to explain how the protestors had captured another street from the police. The police weren’t holding any streets really. What struck me as interesting though is that in order to know that from his position at the capitol building. Commo was in place.
More faces.
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