1) I appreciate everyone's contributions today, especially journalists. I also learned a lot from the historians and activists who shared what they know about our country's long and recent history.
2) It's important to state the obvious. This is a coup incited by the president. It must be unequivocally condemned. If he and his enablers are not held accountable, today's events are likely to repeat in some form. Michigan is instructive.
3) The police and other armed agencies may be the ones to clear the Capitol. They cannot solve the problem - institutionalized white supremacy - as they are implicated in it.
4) I am hung up on the language of surprise. It has a hold on us. Even those of us who know better and are not actually surprised are tweeting and texting how shocked we are and how unbelievable this is.
5) What this says to me is not that we are foolish or blind to this country's history, but that we are not practiced enough in telling the truth about it. We need to talk about it in new ways and more terrible language. We can't traffic in innocence.
6) The mob wrote "murder" on the Capitol doors. They called a Black officer the N-word as they chased him through the building. They erected a noose. We know these words, but it's easier to say, "This is crazy!"
7) But we know these words ("murder" "noose") and they're not crazy. They're coherent. They're part of an ideology and tradition with clear aims. We have to be clear and resolute in response. Take care tonight. Then take inspiration from organizers in Georgia and go to work.
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