Still processing the fact that I spent today watching a coup d'etat attempt in the United States of America, live on television, while American security forces actively refused to intervene.
If you read a story like what happened today, but it was about some tinpot oil dictatorship where all the police are on the family payroll, you'd be like, damn, glad I live in America and not that place.
The insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol today and violently forced entry into the congressional chambers didn't face meaningful police resistance. In some cases, police were *helping* clear the way.

They left not because they were forced out, but because they got bored.
This raises some really dark but nevertheless critically important questions we don't like to think apply to a country like the United States. Chiefly can we trust the Capitol Police to protect our legislators against *all* threats, foreign and domestic?

It does not appear so.
And if we *can't* trust the Capitol Police to effectively safeguard the lives and work of our elected officials, what then?

The new Democratic majority *must* immediately launch a top-to-bottom fitness assessment of the entire Capitol PD. All leadership must go.
Regardless of whether today's inability to protect our government officials was the result of malice, incompetence, or some blend of the two, the result is the same.

The Capitol PD has shown itself unfit for purpose and requires complete recreation in a moder modern form.
Failure by Democrats to immediately enact sweeping changes to the Capitol PD will be disastrous for our democracy.

If the CPD is unreliable, we're just waiting for the next insurrection movement with *enough* intent to trigger a disastrous constitutional crisis.
Our legislators must be certain the law enforcement tasked with protecting them are examples of the *best* that policing can be. Today proves that is not the case right now.

The functioning of government must never again be so easily held hostage by vandals.
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