Fuck these fucking fucks https://twitter.com/megynkelly/status/1346927526720004097
I’m not going to hold back anymore. People like Megyn Kelly are fucking EVIL.
You fuckers have spent years crying about phony bullshit. “Boooooo hoooooo NBC canceled my low-rated show and all I got from it was TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO GO AWAY AND DO NOTHING! I am soooooooo oppressed! Boooooo hooooo! Cancel culture! Wahhhhh!” Fuuuuck off
Josh fucking Hawley was crying over the fact that like 6 people protested outside his home after he announced his intention to try to obliterate democracy.

But when it comes to the fucking terrorists today, Hawley was cheering them on
Remember a couple weeks ago when everyone in Trump world was clutching their pearls because the incoming deputy chief of staff referred to them as fuckers?

“Fuckers” is about the nicest thing I could call them. “Fuckers” is being generous.
Hillary Clinton tried to argue that you can’t just write off *all* Trump supporters. Sure, there are some, maybe half that are a real basket of deplorables, but the other half...

And these motherfuckers immediately went “she’s talking about ME! How DARE you!”
The same people who were all jazzed up to run in and try to overthrow democracy today pretend to be offended over the dumbest fucking shit.

It’s time, once and for all, to stop treating their complaints as legitimate grievances. Because they’re just putting on a show.
A restaurant owner once politely told Sarah Sanders that they were uncomfortable serving her because of her role in the Trump administration (being a member of a fascist regime is not a protected category). That was talked about for a whole week as some huge attack.
And we had to hear vErY SeRiOuS mEdiA PeOpLe whine about civility. Rather than wondering *why* the business owner was uncomfortable serving Trump’s fascist mouthpiece, it was immediately “h-h-how could she...? We can’t just agree to disagree?”
I’m mad as hell.

I’m mad as fucking hell.

These are vile people. Utterly vile. Terrible. Awful. And they can’t just own up to what they did: incited a terrorist attack. They’re now going around saying that it was all a false flag. Fuck off.
A comedian made a joke about Sanders lying and everyone in media was hyperventilating over it, stretching to pretend that it was an attack on her appearance.
Over the summer, Trump had his goon squad go out to beat and gas a bunch of peaceful protesters (yes, actual peaceful protesters).

These are awful people. Awful. And I’m so sick of everything.
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