We will have an updated story for @CourthouseNews as lawmakers reconvene.
Duly, the U.S. VP-elect Kamala Harris is back on her way to the Capitol. VP Pence now presiding.
The violence is quelled and the people's work continues. We condemn the violence that took place here in the strongest possible terms. - @VP Pence
cc: @JackRodgersCNS
To those who wreaked havoc in our capital today, you did not win. ... This is still the people's house. As we reconvene in this chamber, the world will again witness the resilience and strength of our democracy even in the wake of unprecedented violence in this capitol. - Pence
Mitch McConnell says from the Senate floor after today's breach: Under all manner of threats, even during an ongoing armed rebellion in the Civil War, the clockwork of our democracy has carried on.
McConnell calls the crowd today "unhinged" and says we've never been deterred before and won't be deterred again.
"They tried to disrupt our democracy and they failed.
This failed insurrection only shows how crucial a task there is before our republic. - @senatemajldr McConnell
"We'll complete the process the right way... and we will certify the winner of the 2020 presidential election," McConnell says, notably, without saying Biden's name.
Schumer says he has never lived through or experienced what he went through today in this capitol.
Jan 6, 2021 will be added to the very short list of dates that will "live forever in infamy" he says, harkening back to Dec. 7 1941.
The proposed first draft of that message:
Schumer, unequivocally says these were domestic terrorists, goons and thugs. They are not protesters but insurrectionists, the Senate Minority Leader says.
"They should be provided no leniency," Schumer says as he then thanks members of the U.S. Capitol Police.

Note: Video has been surfacing all afternoon showing law enforcement opening barricades for these rioters. And some appearing to take selfies.
Schumer: January 6 will go down as one of the darkest days of our history, the final warning of the consequences of a demagogic president, a captive media who parroted his lies and the people who followed him in his attempt to push America to the brink of ruin.
. @RepDonBeyer: “Donald Trump is a danger to our democracy. I continue to support his impeachment and removal from office, and am looking carefully at new articles of impeachment being drafted and offered by my colleagues.
"Impeachment, however, would require the cooperation of Senate Republicans who have always protected Trump in the past. The 25th Amendment can only be invoked by the Vice President with the concurrence of the Cabinet," - @RepDonBeyer
“Congress must ensure Trump’s removal from office by the swiftest and surest method available: confirmation of the American people’s will as expressed in the 2020 election," @RepDonBeyer continues.
Further, he demands "that my colleagues immediately drop their cynical, destructive, and antidemocratic efforts to overturn the election results which incited today’s attempts at violent insurrection. Democracy must and shall prevail.”
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