I'm seeing a lot of educators and parents online tonight, wondering what we should tell the kids about all of this. The answer, as always, is the truth. (thread)
That something unprecedented and awful has happened, like some of the things they've read about in their history books. Tonight, we are all the people from those history books.

Our voices matter. Their voices matter. Democracy and leadership matter, too.
So talk with the kids about all of that - about the Constitution and the peaceful transfer of power and why it's a cornerstone of our democracy.
Talk with the kids about leadership, about senators like Tammy Duckworth, a former combat veteran who told reporters this afternoon that she wasn't going anywhere, that she was staying to carry out her Constitutional duty, and no mob was going to stop her.
Let the kids talk. Answer their questions. And remind them that when scary things happen, there are always also good people who step up to lead. Tell them that job belongs to all of us, that it will be their job when they're older, too. Tell them you believe in them.
And then go on with your teaching, because education and citizenship more than ever.

People keep saying "This is not who we are." But that's not true.

It is exactly who we are right now. We need to be better, and education is our best way forward. Our best hope. Always.
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