Pretty chill vibe here in this hotel lobby, as Trump supporters decompress from today’s events. All are violating local mask rules, despite multiple massive signs about the mask rule.
After I took this video, several Trump supporters harassed me and tried to follow me to my room. One accused me of being “antifa.” Hotel security intervened and moved me to new room. What a weird day.
The Trump supporters demanded that I delete the video. One woman flashed her taser at me, and threatened to mace me. I should also say for the record: the hotel staff and security were extremely professional and polite, and got me out of a bad situation.
I can now say that one of the people in the hotel lobby who demanded I delete the video, put his hands on me, and screamed at me is this guy. He appears in the first frame of the above video.
Here he is sitting in the same spot in the hotel lobby, talking how how "antifa" (I'm guessing he means me) filmed him
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