I'm sitting writing this tweet at my 10 year old son's bedside in ICU at Great Ormand Street hospital. He has Pediatric Multi System Inflamitory syndrome from having COVID-19. He was rushed to hospital with a temp of 40.8c and a heart rate of 180bpm.
He caught COVID at school but showed no symptoms. The doctors are seeing this response 3-4 weeks post Covid in about 2 in every 10000 children. My son's heart is damaged, his immune system is attacking his own body. Needs constant intravenous adrenalin to maintain blood pressure
Protect your children, this government cannot be trusted they told us children weren't affected and it was safe for them to go to school. Well this is what my previously perfectly healthy son is having to go through right now because they are liars! – bei Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children
I only include this photo so people can see how serious this is and that they protect their children. If your child has a high temperature after having COVID get them to the doctor and say you want to check for PIMS-TS. – bei Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children
Other symptoms include but not limited to: light headedness, not eating, vomiting, diarrhea and high heart rate. Blood culture will show infection in the blood (sepsis). This would be fatal so the quicker you get your child seen the better! – bei Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children
Your child doesn't need any underlying health problems to get PIMS-TS. Doctors don't know enough yet about the disease to say why this happens in some children. Trials are on going and my son may join Oxford University trial to find better treatment. – bei Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children
In the meantime it's critical children with the condition get intensive care treatment! The sooner they are admitted the better. – bei Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children
My son is improving thanks to the remarkable people working at GOSH. I cannot thank them enough. My partner and I have been beside ourselves these last 3 days and it's unthinkable what might have happened without their immediate intervention in treating our son. – bei Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children
They predict he could be out of ICU in a few days if he keeps improving at this rate. – bei Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children
But please everyone protect your children because 1 in 5000 isn't the best odds. I never thought something like this could happen to my healthy boy. There are kids on this ward who haven't responded to treatment and there are more arriving daily. This is getting out of control. – bei Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children
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