Since the beginning of the pandemic, this is the script that has been applied with Goebbelian rigor in some countries:

Growth is exponential
The lethality is very high
The immune response is not durable
Asymptomatic people are contagious

There is no cellular immunity, no innate immunity
There will be a multitude of reinfections
Children are dangerous transmitters
A high percentage will suffer severe lifelong sequelae, even mild cases
The second wave is going to be apocalyptic

The only way to protect the elderly is to limit the freedom of the healthy
Group immunity is only possible by vaccination
Never offer the information in Excels, easily manageable by anyone
Never talk about fatality by age

Never enter into comparisons of deaths per capita by country
Never enter into discussions about the ages of the deceased
Never talk about the fact that since April the deaths of those under 60 are statistically immaterial
Inflate daily kills with the retroactive adjustments

Never correct any miscommunicated data
Do not disclose the number of recombination cycles of the PCRs
Do not provide information on the deaths of residences
Do not provide the detail of those hospitalized in the years before

Change constantly the repositories of official information
A second strain has appeared that changes everything and invalidates any discussion of any of the above points.
Lockdown is the only solution

When something makes the poor poorer, the rich richer; to those who are lonely more alone, and the powerful more powerful…, without achieving the objective of saving lives, it is a citizen's duty to ask exhaustive questions and doubt the official version.

Because the measures applied in these countries have failed: excess of deaths shows that in regions where there was a strong first wave, there has not been a significant second. But excess deaths continue to be almost exclusively in those over 60, with a mean age of 80+.

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