On Fox, Rand Paul is arguing that the objections to certification were misguided because it undermines the electoral college, and "if we get rid of the electoral college, conservatives will never win the presidency again."
I haven't heard the word "Trump" mentioned yet.
Tweet deleted; they showed the caller's face and this was some other blonde Kayleigh that is not the press sec.
Fox is taking the approach that "this was a brave and courageous day for Mike Pence," and Trump does not exist.
The good news is that Fox is talking about how Trump lied to his supporters and they believed those lies. The bad news is that Fox says "this is the media's fault because it's their job to debunk the lies, and no one believes them now because of the Russia hoax."
Oh great, now Sarah Palin is on talking about she recognized the people storming the Capitol from seeing them at Antifa protests.
Sarah Palin is now talking about how the problem with the Republican party is that people are getting "weak kneed" due to their fear of getting bad press coverage.

Also she thinks Trump's mistake was letting too many Never Trumpers into his government.
The real victims today were all the peaceful protesters at the Ellipse today who have stood by Trump and now have to watch the fall out between the President and Mike Pence.
A Fox reporter on scene is describing how the police at the grounds around the Capitol recently cleared the grounds out by creating a channel that allowed people to leave without being arrested.

The Fox reporter keeps talking about "how similar" these protestors are to BLM.
Kayleigh McEnany issues a statement through a Fox talking head. She attacks Biden for issuing a statement before Trump did, and then attacks Pence for issuing a written statement breaking from Trump. Says it was "disappointing" to Trump.
"This is a culmination of four years of investigation, and a frustrated electorate," says Fox dude Bryan something.
Fox is playing clips of the Capitol storming and there's one video of the Trump mob pushing against a closed door, and through the window you can see a Trump supporter is clearly mouthing to a Capitol police officer "could you open the door? The door?" followed by a hopeful look.
The Trump mob was invading the goddamn Capitol AND THEY GENUINELY BELIEVED THE POLICE OFFICERS ARE THEIR ALLIES IN THIS VENTURE. https://twitter.com/TheViewFromLL2/status/1346985890225160196?s=19
Tucker is starting off by telling viewers they can find the video online of the woman being shot and killed at the Capitol today, and encourages people to go watch it while imagining that is their daughter and they get a called that she's been killed at a rally.

The. Fuck.
"We don't know anything about her, but [the woman who was killed] didn't look anything like the radicals we saw" at protests this summer, Tucker says. So we should think carefully about why she was there.

The. Fucking. Fuck.
Tucker says "crack down never work" and "the people taking power will use today" to steal your freedoms. All our freedoms are "now in peril," he warns.
Geezus, Tucker Carlson's fourteen-word monologs go on forever.
"All of this is going to be a pretext to make the lives of the people who watch this show much worse," says Tucker. His guest agrees: "This will be used to our detriment."
Marco Rubio kicks off by talking about how much our enemies in China love this.

He then blames the media, saying it's their fault this happened because there's no longer anyone in America who is able to speak definitively on what happened.
Tucker asks Rubio if any politicians are asking themselves if they really need to change their ways, now that they know how much certain voters hate them. Rubio says "we look like a third world country" and then ignores the question while talking about law and order.
Fox is now playing footage of "other riots" from "this summer" in order to put the events of today "in context."
Tucker decries the day's other big news: Trump being suspended from Twitter.

Then on to the next guest, on site at the Capitol, who begins by apologizing and noting he has no choice but to wear a mask since it's required there.

The guest then emphasizes Trump's calls for calm.
Oh scratch that, we're still talking about Trump getting suspended from Twitter now. They're reading Trumps "these are the things and events that happen" tweet. Some "criticize" this tweet, it is noted, "but that is one perspective among many."
Next topic: excusing what happened at the Capitol today, because the protesters have had all kinds of horrible things happen this year -- epidemic, recession, riots, all kinds of horrible stressors -- and they're tired of the left's "relativism" and want "absolute values."
I'm flipping between C-SPAN and Fox News, and I just flipped back into Senator Sasse's speech and, I am as shocked as anyone, but Fox was far less painful.
Senator Sasse, sir, did you hire someone who washed out of Marvel as your new speech writer. What was that.
Hell is flipping between Hannity and Hawley.
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