The Nazi book burnings are no different than the thrashing of the news camera equipment today

Hold the perpetrators accountable, or it will remain normal
What's CRITICAL is that there is a quick & swift, NATIONAL, NONPARTISAN (though difficult) condemnation of violence, MAGAism, & prosecution of ALL rioters & inciter

AUT & GER in no way perfect, but US needs 2 learn from Europe how 2 recover from fascism, for this is what it is
Also, Hitler's first coup failed.

The Austrian Government passed multiple resolutions to prevent Nazi takeover. In a way I think politicians in the 30s were stronger than those in the US today.

What I don't see and what scares me --- MORE than the election results in 2016
/scared me, and I was pretty scared then --- is the lack of STRONG condemnation and swift ACTION against the sitting fascist president. It means there is a lack of understanding, cognitive dissonance --- about how bad the situation is.

Further, 👮‍♂️ is clearly siding w/ protesters
/There is a strong faction within the R party that aligns with the Coup.

This means trouble. For tonight, the next two weeks, the next decade.

Political insiders have long brushed off the real threat to US democracy and just how insidious fascism is in the US. It is here. Now/
Be afraid. Be very very afraid.

One thing I tell you: if Trump is not removed soon, a peaceful transition on Jan 20th is less and less likely
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