I disavow people giving credit to “antifa” or other boogeymen instead of supporting the patriots who had balls and protested with everything they had today.
The people making excuses and condemning this have cushy jobs in political circles and aren’t losing anything from these lockdowns. They don’t really believe the election was stolen, except when saying so can get them retweets.

People are mad. Rightly.
Oh you work for a Republican student group and condemn people storming a government building? Cool story. Your family isn’t losing anything.
Your podcasts and books will do better as “resistance” to Biden — so what the fuck do you care if people’s restaurants are closing and their beloved employees can’t pay rent and they feel their vote was stolen? So out of touch.
Remember these people “on your side” will make extra money for four years whining about Biden if the protesters don’t win. There’s always more money in opposition. That’s why the never trumpers were so bold.
I hate twitter threads, especially long ones, so sorry for this... but I’m really annoyed.

They’re brainwashing our children and robbing our livelihoods and you are worried about the OPTICS of scaring some politicians? Get the fuck out.
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