1/ As a scientist and a person with moral and ethic, I am appalled about what I saw today in Québec, even if I was expecting nothing less.
Because of the open letter signed by over 300 scientist and several other professionals, Legault thinks of having given us a little
2/something. He is masking up elementary school kids in corridors, and we will think of ventilation in schools! And he is going to give 2 surgical masks/kid in high schools. Wow!
The virus thanks him for the opportunity to keep spreading around. He says he like classrooms more
3/than corridors, and young kids better because we do not check them.
I see some rejoice of the decision to open schools on Monday, with just these that cannot even be called measures. When the world experts are telling us we must fix schools before reopening
4/ we must bring down our positivity rate, we must improve ventilation, mask up everyone, what do we do? We listent to the poediatricians. Heck they are such experts on coronaviruses, they make Christian Drosten's resumé pale in comparison!!!!
5/I am mad. And I am having a hard time not being mad. I am no teacher. I have no kids. So why? We do not live isolated, in vacuum sealed compartments. Kids and school staff have families, who have other jobs and move around. Everything is connected. The virus will not stop.
6/So by reopening schools with these pathetic additional measures, while not addressing the issue of this airborne virus not only there but also in workplaces, hospitals, and so on, we are not gonna get out of this.
7/ We keep washing hands and using plexiglas, wondering how come those projectile type droplets make it past them. Sure we say the word "aerosol" but we do nothing to address it, so we do not really acknowledge it.
8/ And we are messing with the vaccine protocol, because we know better than the scientists at Pfizer.
But hey, we will make sure we check how long the efficacy of the first dose lasts! Really?! How?!
9/ Are they proposing a giant clinical trial without asking for consent? Wondering. 🤔 Well, they do not have my consent.

And, they have been so on top of things so far that one really believes they would manage to check?!
10/ A bunch of dangerous incompetents.
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