So considering the attempted coup currently happening in Washington DC, I figured that it might be interesting to see how far-right extremists are reacting.

I'll start with Telegram. /1
In totally not surprising news, Faith Goldy is pickled tink. Probably brings fond memories of Charlottesville back to her. /2
Both Northern Dominion and Canada First (formerly Proud Boys) are upset that conservative politicians are denouncing the violence while also adding some antisemitism for a bit of spice. 4/
Brandon "Turd Blossom" Martinez whom I've written about in the past on the blog ( ) has gone full accelerationist which is a change from his bravely uttering racial slurs at children on Omegle. /5
And Roppenwaffen, which is run by someone with ties to Canada First, has this to add. /6
Onto Parler, Goldy's former colleague at Rebel Media, Gavin McInnes was photographed attending the Trump sedition party today. /7
Here he is playing a game of "are they or are they not really 'antifa' members trying to make the Trump supporter look bad. /8
Thus far the usual suspects on Facebook are... conflicted.

A few examples right now. /9
Another former colleague of Goldy, @Lauren_Southern, engages in some tsk tsking, essentially blaming BLM for the this example of sedition.

She also voices her opposition to violence... unless it involves shooting flares at refugee ships I presume. 10/
Now while I don't think he crossed paths with Goldy, self-promoting dweeb (and former employee of an online racist military surplus business) Keean Bexte has his own Charlottesville experience now. 11/
Bexte's take is the Bexteist Bexte that has ever Bexted. /12
And then, there's this.

No words. /13
Jay Riedel (who I'll remind readers was elected mayor of Roche Percée, Saskatchewan in October) suffers a bit of whiplash before promoting QAnon conspiracy theories. /14
Darcy Mayer also is suffering a bit of cognitive dissonance. /15
And never let a tragedy prevent Goldy from attacking women for whatever reason. /16
Brandon here wants Trump to go full fascist... I mean more so. /17
As the national response to a bunch of hyped up racists storming the Capitol Building has gone as poorly as one might expect, those who initially praised that actions of the seditionists are now accusing them of being.... wait for it.... ANTIFA!!!

I provide some examples. /18
And more. /19
And more. /20
And more. /21
And more. /22
And more. /23
And just one more. /24
Ah. Not surprisingly Brad Salzburg uses the violence in Washington DC to make a veiled threat against the Prime Minister. /29
We finally have our first leather vest biker-wannabe chiming in... sort of.

Here is Ricky of the (and for new readers, this is a real name he willingly choose for his tiny gang), Woke Onez Rebellion. /30
Bexte appears to be sharing the same hotel as many of the seditionists. /31
So Derek Basque, Trump and QAnon supporter, of New Brunswick is also voicing his support for what happened today.

I have written about Basque on the blog in the past. /32
Why has he appeared on the blog?

Well, he is currently a Northern Guard supporter. He had been a Soldiers of Odin member. And during all of this he has advocated for illegal terrorist group Blood & Honour. /33
Though this is a thread focused on Canadian right-wing extremists, here is some important American content: /34
An update and clarification. Ricky was NOT in Washington. He only posted the photo of the guy with the Confederate battle flag as his Facebook banner.

That said, Facebook appears to have rectified that. /35
I had forgotten about this guy!

Wonder how he feels about being a Trump supporter now?

Back Jay Riedel who I remind readers again was was elected mayor of Roche Percée, SK (pop. 110) in October 2020 believes he has a slam dunk proving the people who stormed the Capitol were "antifa".

Except, no. No they were not. /37
Clarification: It seems Chester Doles wasn't in Washington D.C., but in Georgia. /38
Last posts before I go to bed. 

William John Beattie, a one time frequent poster on the hate site Stormfront, is happy with the day's events. /39
Why should we care about an old man?

Well, in the 1960s he founded and was the leader of the Canadian Nazi Party. /40
He continued through the remainder of the through the 1960s up to the present.

A few news clippings of Beattie /41
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