(1)The Congress Stormers will be expelled,a half baked Coup will fail. But the far right , US & International, will be wildly enthused. If only for 1 day they took a big prize. The 1923 Nazi "Beer Hall Putsch" was also half baked, things can get worse if we let them
(2) The hard right in Europe might well get keener on mixing electoral strategies with street provocation- and European democracy (LePen, Golden Dawn, The League in Italy etc) faces challenges. In the US the militia-esque orgs will be active on inauguration day and beyond
(3) Centrist responses - inviting ever more right wing parties into the consensus & trying to 'teach them manners', (while going Tonto on the left) , and serving up technocratic policies that leave more people wondering how to pay the rent and shopping, help the hard right.
(4)Beating back those enthused by the Congress occupation means building a left that can deliver big economic and social benefits, not returning to "normal" because "normal" got us here.
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