Adolf Hitler and his allies attempted a coup in Munich in 1923. It failed and he ended up in prison.

By 1933, he became the head of government of Germany. By 1934, he became the head of state.

More than 70 million people voted for Trump. Don't get complacent; be on guard.
If you think that things failed today, you are wrong. This only broadened the horizons. Neither supporters nor opponents of the white supremacist groups expected them to get that far today.

Now they know that that's possible, they're thinking about what else may be possible.
Furthermore, gov't officials and bureaucrats may have either made decisions or found themselves in positions of inaction today without knowing what that would lead to.
They are recalculating, and some are itching for another shot to do things differently with more knowledge now. They're analysing everything in real time.
Another parallel between the US and Nazi Germany: the Nazis would support insurrection and do some wild disorderly stuff, but then turn around to call for law and order instead of disorder.
The events of conflict you witness now are merely products of a deeper problem within American society that won't go away for now.

Any symbolic loss for Trump or symbolic victory for those against him is only postponing this crisis to a date it will be even more intense.
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