small brain: corbyn lost the election but won the argument

regular brain: corbyn lost the election

galaxy brain: i don't believe corbyn ever fought an election. the hard left would not have accepted defeat
probably far too generous to ascribe dimwittedness to austin, rather than insidiousness. the 2019 tory campaign was demonstrably anti-democratic, filled with outright lies, and he's using an attempted far-right coup in the US as a pretext for stricter measures against the left
88% of the tories' fb ads ruled 'misleading'; having their twitter account masquerade as a fact-checking service during the debates; the coordinated client journalist fabrication of matt hancock being punched; kuenssberg suggesting she'd seen postal votes ahead of polling day
all of this was outrageous, anti-democratic and worked in the tories' favour. the "legal system, civil service, serious media, BBC" austin calls on did less than fuck all to prevent them, and STILL the left accepted the result, and STILL austin demands the left be held to account
the left hold virtually no institutional power in the uk, so an unelected tory lord opportunistically responding to a demonstration of american fascists by calling for the strengthening of legal measures against an abstract, hallucinated and invented uk 'left' is totally sinister
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