
Trump signed this Yesterday...

Antifa, a designated terrorist organization stormed the Capital building today

If you helped terrorists inside the Capital building, you committed treason

Insurrection act?

Have to tell people to disperse?
Those in Trump's inner circle are calling for arrests.........

What do they know?
In comes the National Guard

I'm not quite sure about Pence just yet
If Pence did what we wanted him to do, what would the outcome have been?

We would've had this tied up in courts

It would've ended badly for us


you have to think it through to the end, like a game of chess
She keep going in this thread,

She should've stopped here and really thought about it for a minute

This is exactly what happened

Trump planned it this way

I can keep going

everybody should calm down and watch this play out
See it

I know you can

Stop paying any attention to what blue checkmarks are telling you.

Stop listening to them

They are only there to create a false reality

Dig Anon
He says it better than I do
Think it through

They are banning his calls for people to disperse only

Those are the banned tweets


Why all of social media??
This one is just funny
Angry Terrorists breaking into the Capital!!!!!!


Remember, the Police opened the gates for them......
Wonder what's got them all in such a tizzy?

The best way for you to find the answers you seek is to find a friend that speaks Italian
I just don't get it

If they're so dangerous, why would they open the gates and let them in???
The order is out there, what happens when they won't leave?
Don't let the Pence thing get you.
She's right. His ability to deny is questionable at best.
through the Looking Glass ---> What future would this lead us to?
What was the probability of success if we headed down this path.
Pence is playing a part

I'll reserve my judgement
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus chimes in
I've seen all this evidence and people I trust [codemonkey, Patrick Byrne, etc} have confirmed this is true
Why say that it was Leftist violence?

This is so bad




Takin' selfies with domestic terrorists
Hold the line
Included in that link is this press info about what happened
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