I read this with great sadness, knowing in advance I would find nothing but dishonesty and calumny disguised as sacred honor and sanctimonious self-righteousness. Some small part of me hoped, still, to be wrong, but that part of me is called projection and denial. /1 https://twitter.com/Mike_Pence/status/1346879811151605762
I do not have many comments to make. But there is a point of logic I am compelled to express. The entire letter is built around a single term which is, in its very usage, a lie. That term is unilateral. /2
When a judge slams his gavel down handing out a sentence that he decided, no one accuses him of having made a unilateral decision. A long process led there. The laws were not of his own creation. He performs his function, holding sole responsibility for its proper execution. /3
If pushed, we might with proper logic call the decision "unitary." His is only the mind making a serious choice. He does that part by himself, within his person, unitarility if we must say so. But we may not with sound logic name his action unilateral. /4
In vice President Pence's case, he does not mean unilateral anyway, at all. What he implies with his sophistry and political speak would be honestly conveyed by the term "arbitrary." The emotion his illogical statement evokes is that of King's Rights. /5
Kings make unilateral decisions, as do dictators and tyrants. To use that term is simply to say, I was not elected dictator, and will therefore not act like one. But of course, this is a red herring argument. The tide rises and falls...oh look, there's a red herring! /6
A red herring is also rightly termed a non sequitur. That just means it does not follow or does not follow from. The President of the Senate is called upon to announce a winner of the election. That winner must be established in a free and fair manner, one not including fraud. /7
Further to the end of his dissimulation, Pence discusses the broad principle of avoiding concentrations of power. Red herring as well. We're not talking about, no one is talking about too great a concentration of power in the hands of the President of the Senate. /8
The real topic at hand is the fulfillment of one's sacred obligation, one's oath to the Constitution. No party, bearing any responsibility for determining the outcome of an election, must tolerate fraudulent votes or procedures. It is each such soul's bounden obligation. /9
To push the case further, no one would dream to attack a fireman for being exhibiting unilateral behavior when he's the only person running into the building to save people. The term is, itself, a complete lie. /10
We must now turn to the liar himself, as a man, and as a politician. In his case the two are the same. We are given the sad task of making the equation in this manner. The man IS nothing BUT a politician. No spine. No character. No integrity. No honor or sense of duty. /11
Vice President Mike Pence, in coming to this most momentous decision of his life, may only have been guided by a sense of peer approbation, or possibly other such motivations as greed met - he may have been paid well - or other such inducements to shame and dishonor. /12
I do not perceive him as a stupid man, but I may be wrong. He may be. It could be that he has been completely fooled by evil actors into actually thinking he is doing the right thing for no other reward or gain. He may have stupidly given them control over his honor. /13
Let's push that theory. If he is stupid, extremely intelligent, evil man man distort his weak sense of concepts, manipulating his weak logic. If so, there is a preventative mental and spiritual pill he should have taken, but must have failed to do. That pill is good faith. /14
Even the weakest of minds can be led by its owner to remember certain core things. Even a stupid man can remember to be faithful to those in his charge. Any politician, no matter how stupid, may still remember his constituents and try to serve them, rightly. /15
Intelligent or stupid, self-serving or misled, there can be no question or doubt that Mike Pence has forgotten us. We, the forgotten Americans were just forgotten again. And, my case about him being stupid is given the lie by his very intelligent statement. /16
But of course, it was most likely written by others, evil men to be sure. But I also assure you he did read the statement before affixing his signature. This is not the statement of a stupid man. His dissimulation and lie is not unintelligent in its prosecution. /17
But what of his political career? Dishonest men often understand their own limitations, and he surely knew he could never fool the MAGA Movement as our one true leader in 2024. He knew he'd lose us, no matter. So, if one discounts moral obligation, it was a smart decision. /18
Forefinger nicely wetted, he felt the clear direction of the political wind blowing against him on any path of honor. So he has used a smart man's words, to prosecute a smart man's strategy. He is no stupid man. The case simply had to be laid out, but is now rejected. /19
Smart? It would take no bribe or obvious crime to make him very wealthy on the other side of this great political betrayal. It is, in fact, a calling card to any book deal or MSM Commentator contract his need for millions may indicate. He has raise his economic profile. /20
What power, if any, does a President have to stipulate a resignation or to fire a Vice President? I don't know. If it is legal, it must be done, and should be done no later than tomorrow morning. If it can't be done, well, things may take a bit longer. /21
But we, the MAGA Movement are not without power. We may scorn him as I am, here. We may judge him as I am, here. We may reject and dismiss him from our hearts and minds and may ostracize him from our midst, which we must. He has, after all, betrayed America. /22
If you would like an example of a unilateral act, I'm happy to provide one. Unilaterally, I reject him from my heart, from my consideration, from the question or the benefit of doubt. Rather, he bears the unbreakable burden of certainty, with me, unilaterally. /23
Where do we go from here? In truth, this is no different than it was 24 hours ago. We await our one true leader's guidance. At the rally today, @realDonaldTrump still gave Pence the benefit of the doubt. That's gone now, and now Trump must determine our next steps. /24
In our lifetimes, we have never had a greater Commander In Chief. And we, his true followers, will follow. I feel a sad, calm peace in my heart. It is good to rid ourselves of traitors. Our Traitor In Chief has outed himself. Out he is. Next, our commander will command. /25
Thoughts conclude at #25.
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